Astrology + Tarot
Astrology and Tarot go hand in hand, both helping us to see into the world of intuition so that we can better know ourselves and the world around us, but did you know that each zodiac sign has its own matching tarot card? Knowing these astrological tarot correspondences can really help us to learn the energies of each sign!
Aries — The Emperor
The Emperor is all fire and strength. He is a natural born leader and does things with passion and ambition. Just like an Aries, the Emperor is very good at getting things started, planning goals and giving others that much needed encouragement to get going – he’s a powerful energy and loyal too, but sometimes he needs to learn to rely on help from others to balance out that stubborn independence!
Taurus — The Hierophant
The Hierophant is about tradition, doing things the “right” way and delving into the heart of each issue, person and activity. This fits a Taurus perfectly, who likes things to be done in certain ways; slowly, methodically and taking into consideration how others have done it before. With this energy, they can penetrate to the spiritual core of an issue and help to lift others up with their guidance and unconditional love, however, you’ll have to be patient before getting there as neither the Hierophant or Taurus are known to be speedy!
Gemini — Lovers
The Lovers is a somewhat misunderstood card as it is more often about a choice, communication, or the union of opposites, than of strictly romantic endeavours. Gemini is all about choices and opposites, making them great communicators but sometimes a little erratic – constantly seeking to cover all bases and connect all the dots, but when they do this with passion and commitment, beautiful things will arise!
Cancer — The Chariot
The Chariot may seem like an odd card to represent watery Cancer, but when you look at the yin and yang sphinxes, the moons on the shoulders of the driver and the opulent castles in the background, this card speaks of having the courage to leave the stability of home, forging a path forwards using our intuition and being able to balance our soft feminine inner with our masculine outer shell – all very Cancerian things indeed!
Leo — Strength
Now this one is a little more obvious, or is it? At first we may see the lion and assume courage, confidence and outward displays of strength – like a Leo on first glance, yet this card is more about how love and compassion are the strongest of all, and encourages us to use higher means to get what we want; to trust ourselves and thus become a loyal and trustworthy person to all around us – and here we have the Leo’s soft underbelly!
Virgo — The Hermit
The Hermit is a solitary and wise character. When he gets tired of the superficial and busy world around him, he goes within to find answers, peace and a higher purpose, returning once he is ready to serve the world again. A Virgo is the same – both introspective and independent yet ready to do their duty, and once they’ve filled up their inner tank, they’ll work until it’s done, but not before they’ve got everything else in place.
Libra — Justice
The scales of the Justice card tip back and forth, seeking fairness and equality and judging those who don’t abide by the same principles. You won’t find a fairer person than a Libra, though sometimes their idea of fairness comes from their own conclusions! However, they are deeply concerned with others – what they think, need and how they behave, and they’ll always address you with poise and attentive understanding.
Scorpio — Death
All you Scorpios out there are probably sighing with your cliché Death card here, but you should be pleased to know that, despite first opinions, this is one of the most powerful and spiritual cards in the tarot deck. It represents the ability to transform, to find the inner strength to release what is no longer serving us, let go and start anew elsewhere, to look death in the face and say “let’s do it” – plus it’s pretty darn cool looking right? Just like a Scorpio!
Sagittarius — Temperance
Temperance and Sagittarius are both dedicated to higher purposes, whether that be philosophical thinking, travel or finding themselves. Learning what makes people tick, how to grow and improve and how to direct their energy towards something solid and balanced is the path of a Sag – but it’s not an easy one! Caution and self-control are required to ensure that the path flows ahead rather than in a confusing swirl!
Capricorn — The Devil
Before you judge this card Cappy, remember it’s not all bad! The Devil is about releasing self-imposed earthly restrictions (which come in many forms – food, drink, work, status, other people), and a Capricorn can sometimes be held back by these things because they care too deeply about them over their own needs. HOWEVER! This card (and sign!) has a huge ability to break free and succeed, powered on by the self-knowledge that comes of overcoming something, making them conscientious, confident and highly capable beings of light.
Aquarius — The Star
The Star is about hope and shining bright in individual ways. It is the light at the end of the tunnel and the spiritual progress needed to get there. Just like an Aquarius, the Star is concerned with the evolution of humanity and it signals a breakthrough in the old ways that may not be serving you. While both the sign and the card can sometimes be overly optimistic or detached – sitting in the heavens instead of getting down there and doing something, this is the energy of someone who will bring great change and positivity to others when they believe in themselves.
Pisces — The Moon
The Moon represents our unconscious – the hidden place where dreams and visions rule – things that a Pisces tends to be naturally very receptive to. While sometimes this can get a little foggy in places or change with the tides, the Moon indicates deep compassion and, just like a Pisces, an ability to get in touch with our spiritual, emotional, feminine side so that we can bring a light of spiritual understanding and love to the world. So, did you resonate with your tarot card at all? I’d love to hear what it brought up for you! And if you want some more personalised tarot/astrology help, check out this week’s horoscope videos where I pick a card for the week for each sign.
Ellie Rose x
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