Relationships with love partners and friends and family can quickly become stale and stagnant if you don’t pay attention. A loving relationship requires careful nurturing, attentiveness, understanding and compromise in order to keep it in tip-top condition. Take the opportunity to spring clean and revitalise your important relationships during the vernal equinox.
Clear The Air. No matter how loving your connection with your partner may be from time to time you may experience a clash in compromises. If there are conversations you have been avoiding now is the time to sit down and open your heart. Discuss the niggling financial issues, voice your commitment concerns and put all your cards on the table. Without identifying the root cause of your worries you cannot clear the air and move forward.
Declutter Your Skeleton Cupboard. If you want a harmonious and loving relationship it is essential that you take a look inside your skeleton cupboard. This is the dark place where you dump your emotional baggage and painful past hurts. The content of this emotional space blocks happiness from entering your life so be prepared to release past hurts so that you can enjoy a fresh start. A spiritual or psychic tarot reading can help you identify ways of releasing past pain and can support your transition.
Remove Toxic Waste. Take a long, hard look at the people you surround your self with and identify the toxic waste. Toxic people are negative individuals who get a kick out of holding you back, making you doubt your inner knowing and generally influence your choices for their betterment. The saying ‘season, reason’ lifetime’ applies to friends, family members and love partners alike. Learn to trust your intuition so that you surround your self with positive people who only want what is best for you.
Re-energise Your Space. A literal cleaning and decluttering of your personal space will remove stagnant energy and create a positive flow. Remove excess clutter and tidy away items so that your space instantly appears more spacious and inviting. For couples, and those seeking love, pay attention to the energy that surrounds the bed. Declutter your bedroom and cleanse the air with a smudge stick to remove all traces of negative energy. Place rose quartz crystal on the bedside table to attract the energy of love.
Freshen Up Your Appearance. Update your personal style to boost your own energy levels. Ditch the comfy sweat pants and choose clothes that flatter your figure. Add a splash of your favourite colour to revitalise the items hanging in your wardrobe. Changing your make-up look and/or hairstyle will also re-energise you and boost your confidence.
Maintenance Duties. As with all household cleaning relationship clearance requires constant maintenance. Keep your love relationship fresh by growing the intimacy between you and your partner. Nurture your important supportive friendships by taking the time to show you care. Remove the stress from family situations by adopting a non-judgmental attitude and a willingness to compromise. A little bit of regular maintenance also means that you minimise the chances of having to do rush repairs due to relationship neglect.