You don’t have to live in rural countryside, or the wilderness, to tap into the power of spiritual animal magic. This native shamanic wisdom is readily available to anyone who wishes to seek guidance, whatever the location of your home environment. Animal spirit guides (also known as totem or power animals) provide us with valuable insight and a deeper understanding of Self.
Current Connections.
Without you being fully aware, you may already be connected to your personal animal spirit guide. An indication of this is a strong connection with nature. If you are drawn to a particular animal and have pictures, ornaments and other accessories that feature this creature, the spirit of this animal may already be connected to you.
Childhood Memories.
If you had a favourite animal when you were a child you may have spent hours drawing pictures of this amazing wild or domestic animal. You may have also had a fascination with this animal and longed to have one as a pet. This animal resonates with your soul and is likely to be your spirit animal.
Connecting With Your Spirit Animal.
When an animal spirit guide hears your call they are ready to step forward to offer their spiritual assistance. A short meditation can help you identify and connect with your animal spirit guide. Find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Once you feel deeply relaxed imagine yourself in a peaceful place in nature. This can be a garden, a woodland area, a rainforest, the mountains, or a place near water. As you take a leisurely stroll in your special place, pause to notice the sounds that you hear, and the smells that surround you. Explore your environment and look for clues that animals live here. Keep an open mind when waiting for your animal guide to make itself known. Intuitive guidance comes in packages of variable size, so your guide may be smaller in stature than you initially anticipate. All creatures have something of importance to teach you so take your time exploring this spiritual connection. At the right time your spirit animal will step forward and make its presence felt. When you connect with your animal spirit guide you can ask it to share the messages that it has for you. As well as listening to the message, pay attention to your feelings and any impressions that you get. When you are ready, thank your spirit animal and head back towards the place where you started to explore. You can return to this special habitat whenever you need guidance.
Animal Magic.
All spirit animals have their own unique energy and intuitive spiritual power. This is something that they share only with you. Not everyone’s totem animal will be a majestic lion, a lone wolf, or a soaring eagle. You may be surprised to discover that your spirit animal is a cuddly panda, a menacing shark or an industrious ant! A psychic or spiritual reading can help you find out more about your spirit animal. Call one of our experienced psychic readers today.