What does the Future hold for our World Leaders?
PsychicFuture.com resident astrologer Ellie Rose looks towards the planets to cast her predictions and see what 2018 holds for our world leaders. To find out what 2018 may hold for you, head to our horoscopes page or get in touch with one of our trusted psychics today.
The world is a bit of a chaotic place at the moment. In the US, The President is getting into troll wars on Twitter and being accused of sexual harassment. The UK’s not much better, as it speeds blindly towards Brexit. Then there’s the world’s relations with Russia and North Korea, which can be described as perilous at best. So what does the next year hold for these big players and their leaders?
What’s Written in the Stars for 2018?
Throughout the previous 18 months we’ve had a very chaotic T-Square pattern formed between Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. This wreaked havoc with various world events, including Trump’s election victory and the UK’s Brexit vote. It’s also escalated nuclear tensions between the US, South and North Korea. On top of this, the White House has been in limbo with allegations of sexual harassment and tax fraud that have dogged The President since his victory. Jupiter moved into Libra last year. This encouraged the world to focus on justice and balance. The addition of revolutionary Uranus in Aries brings about a fiery and immediate push for change, and Pluto in Capricorn directs our attention to those who hold all the power. Does this sound familiar? What we’ve been seeing is a struggle of the public wanting reform, victims exposing those who misuse their positions of power and a very chaotic reshuffling in the very structure of our society. This is big stuff!
Ellie Rose’s 2018 Predictions…
President Trump
Donald Trump is heavily influenced by Pluto in his “First House” This means his very identity is coloured with some of the traits of Scorpio – power-hungry, secretive and transformative. This is probably why, he’s come under the spotlight so often in 2017. However, now that Jupiter has broken the angsty T-Square, there’s a high chance that Trump will step out of the spotlight (as much as the President can do anyway). Now that Jupiter is in Scorpio, we have seen the backlash from victims of systemic sexual abuse. I predict that now the lid has been blown off, the victims and public will be able to implement change. Trump will be wise to go along with this change and keep his hands to himself while it’s happening!
My Predictions on President Trump, Russia and the President Putin Issue
We had all sorts of scandals reported about Trump’s connection to Russia. Allegations that the Russians influenced the election vote and hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails, are still yet to be properly investigated. Looking at both Putin and Trump’s charts, both are highly influenced by Pluto and Scorpio. This will mean that these issues are likely to carry on long into 2018. However, now that the tension of the planets has relaxed, I find it unlikely that we will see the impeachment of Trump. I also predict we won’t see any deeper revelations come from the ongoing investigations. In any instance, whatever does come out of the investigation, both Trump and Putin will be able to ride out the storm in their normal slippery manner. However, although these ongoing investigations may run their course, there is always the prospect that newer or more allegations could arise. Without the drive for change and justice from Uranus and Jupiter in Libra, there is only Pluto – who is very good at hiding stuff and protecting positions of power. So this may prove very advantages to both President Trump and Putin.
President Putin
As stated when looking at Trump’s chart, Putin should be able to ride out whatever findings come out of the Russian/Trump plot to discredit Hillary Clinton. That’s not me saying there won’t be some very embarrassing findings by the way. But, with the assistance of Pluto – who is good at hiding stuff and protecting positions of power – both Trump and Putin should be able to sweep it under the carpet and ride it out. Putin will experience several Uranus/Pluto aspects around the time of the World Cup in June, which is to be held in Russia. Reports are emerging about secret police, armed security and long jail sentences for ticket touts, foreign fans caught up in violence and people inciting unrest. This may lead to some friction with other foreign governments and world leaders. I still predict Putin will also be able to ride out this diplomatic tension in his usual dismissive and contemptuous style. With Trump experiencing Mars/Pluto aspects around then too, it looks like there’s going to be fireworks at the World Cup – possibly of a military kind. Don’t panic though, it could all just be threats again!
Theresa May
There’s all this noise about Brexit, yet nothing is really happening. Theresa May remains in a tricky situation. The latest news is that British MPs will vote on whether certain secret information should be released to the public. With this in mind it seems that 2018 will be a big year for decisions. Theresa May’s natal chart says a lot about her position within parliament. Her natal Sun has no aspects to any of the traditional planets, it floats alone. This could explain her lack of support from fellow MPs. It might also have played a hand ego-driven decisions, such as seeking expensive support from the DUP which kept the Conservative’s place in power, but left Northern Ireland worryingly poised. This will only further her alienation within government and with the public. Mrs May will have Chiron opposing her Midheaven, indicating that she may experience some damage to her career in the first few months of 2018. With proposed High Court challenges to Brexit, it will be a bumpy ride for Theresa May and the outcome doesn’t look great. However, until we have more defined dates for these political events, it’s hard to predict the outcome at this time. Whichever way you look at it though, I predict Theresa May is in for one hell of a bumpy ride.
Kim Jong Un
Finally, we have the unpredictability of North Korea, another product of the 2017 Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter T-Square. In September 2017, North Korea tested their nuclear weapons, throwing the world into a panic and causing President Trump to take to Twitter with misguided threats. Kim Jong-Un had Uranus (still in its chaotic T-Square) opposing his Mars – the planet of War! Pluto was also opposing his Ascendant, as well as Chiron squaring his Jupiter, meaning that this was a personal war for him. It was also one that affected his identity and possibly brought up angst over his global outcast status. He was showing his hand in order to boost his ego. In April and December of 2018, this same Uranus and Mars aspect will happen again for the President of North Korea. Therefore, it’s possible we will see some more conflict around this time.
My Closing Thoughts…
So, the world seems to have gone a little crazy! But with 2017’s major Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter aspect breaking up finally, it’s possible that things will start to flow better. When big changes are made, and secrets uncovered, it takes a while to regain the status quo. It seems though that 2018 is the year for bringing about balance and justice again, albeit with a few hiccups along the way!
Ellie Rose x
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